Why We Love An Online Food Ordering System (And Why You Should, Too)?

Clorder Inc
Why We Love An Online Food Ordering System (And Why You Should, Too)?

There is no sincere love than the love of food.”- George Bernard Shaw

That’s what Mr. Shaw said and we can’t agree more! Who doesn’t love to eat?

The emerging technologies have made things really interesting in the past few years. With the advent of online food ordering systems, it has become extremely easy for people to sit in the comfort of their homes and get their food delivered right to their door steps.

We love online food ordering systems as it has managed to change the landscape of restaurant business and technology architects like us. These systems have increased sales for many food chains, cafes, and restaurants.

As a restaurant owner or manager, here is why you should love an online food ordering system too:

1) You’re available 24/7

Your restaurant might not be opened 24/7, but with an online food ordering system you’ll be ready to take orders anytime. An online portal offers flexibility to your customers to place their orders (or schedule) whenever it is convenient for them, even outside your business hours. Your customers just need to schedule their preferred pickup or delivery time within your working time.


24/7 Service Available


2) It helps you generate more revenue

An online ordering system allows your customers to place an order from the comfort of their homes. Customers can freely explore the food menus without feeling the pressure they face when talking to restaurant staff while placing on order by phone or ordering in store standing in a queue. This convenience of ordering food online results in your customers spending more dollars than what they could have ordered via phone or in-person.


Revenue Growth


3) Change or update your menu anytime

With an online food ordering system, you can manage your online food menu easily and update it anytime. You can add special food items/add combo meals/delete outdated food items without any hassles. It also allows you to set up daily offerings or discounts based on real-time competition analysis.


Update Restaurant Menu


4) Improves order accuracy

Integrating an online food ordering system to a restaurant’s website improves order accuracy. You avoid any kind of misunderstanding between a customer and your staff. So, no more angry customers over wrongly placed orders. By placing their food order online, the customers takes the responsibility to place an order correctly. Moreover, they can also recheck their order before paying for it.


Order Accuracy


5) Ability to place orders via social media

Your customers can place food orders directly from your Facebook page! Isn’t that amazing? All you have to do is post some mouthwatering photos of dishes on your page and get a buzz going about your restaurant. With so many people spending so much time on Facebook, you can definitely get your order rate doubled or even tripled!


Facebook Ordering


6) Mobile Application

Mobile application to place an order with your restaurant is a great supplement to the desktop and Facebook ordering. Mobile applications are much focused and serve the purpose efficiently with easy to use interfaces, thereby improving the rate of repeat orders.


Clorder Mobile Application


Ready to set up an online food ordering system for your restaurant? Give us a call today!


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Clorder was founded to empower restaurants with a platform to build, establish, and grow their online presence. By leveraging Clorder's Online Ordering system, consisting of web application, Facebook application, and Mobile application, restaurants can not only receive online orders from any device and anywhere but also be able to create their own CRM with the suite of services that Clorder offers.